Vocational Training in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia
Baltic Applied Theatre School started in January 2020 offering a one year vocational training course for theatre educators and artists in all three Baltic countries. Under the guidance of well known international applied theatre practitioners, this programme addresses the political, theoretical and ethical issues of applied theatre, and explores the ways in which theatre and performance are created by diverse groups of people. It´s a platform to learn about the dynamic and ever-changing field of applied theatre: an umbrella term for a range of performance forms concerned with personal and social change.
Classes include workshop with Nazha Harb from Lebanon on her use of Drama in Prisons, inter-generational arts practice and collaborative exercises and games with Sue Mayo from Goldsmiths College London, and the use of an open-knowledge approach for exploring how democratic leadership is key for embracing the challenges of diversity as true potential for creativity with Tara Hawk from ACT e.V. Berlin. Throughout the pro-gramme students are also en-gaged in skills-sharing sessions in order to pool their knowledge and expertise.
BATS supports and mentors students to develop a theatre project in a community. On this project students further the skills they have practised on the programme, whilst dealing with the challenges of a professional context. Communities are groups of multiethnic backgrounds in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.
Project is implemented in LATVIA (with partners Foundation INITIUM), ESTONIA (Eesti Teatri-ja Draamahariduse Selts MTÜ) and LITHUANIA (with Artscape).
Funding partners are the Nordic Culture Point, British Council and the German embassy in Lithuania.
Successful Collaborations

The Baltic Applied Theatre School has received funding through our partner Foundation INITIUM from the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Culture to establish the Baltic Applied Theater Network.